Rumus Infinitive: Cara Mudah Menguasai Tenses Bahasa Inggris

Hello Kaum Berotak! Siapa yang tidak pernah merasa kesulitan dalam memahami tenses dalam bahasa Inggris? Kita pasti pernah mengalami kesulitan dalam membedakan tenses masa lalu, masa kini, dan masa depan. Namun, dengan memahami rumus infinitive, kamu bisa dengan mudah menguasai tenses bahasa Inggris tanpa perlu memaksakan diri untuk menghafal banyak aturan tenses.

Sebelum membahas lebih jauh tentang rumus infinitive, mari kita bahas terlebih dahulu apa itu infinitive. Infinitive adalah bentuk kata kerja yang paling dasar dan tidak berubah-ubah. Dalam bahasa Inggris, infinitive terdiri dari kata kerja dalam bentuk dasar (bare infinitive) dan kata kerja dalam bentuk to (to-infinitive).

Bare infinitive adalah bentuk dasar kata kerja yang tidak diikuti oleh kata to. Contohnya adalah kata kerja seperti go, do, eat, sleep, dan lain sebagainya. Sedangkan, to-infinitive adalah bentuk kata kerja yang diikuti oleh kata to. Contohnya adalah kata kerja seperti to go, to do, to eat, to sleep, dan lain sebagainya.

Sekarang, mari kita bahas tentang rumus infinitive. Rumus infinitive sangat sederhana, yaitu:

Bare infinitive: kata kerja dasar

– I eat breakfast every morning.
– She sings beautifully.
– They dance every Saturday night.

To-infinitive: to + kata kerja dasar

– I want to eat breakfast every morning.
– She loves to sing beautifully.
– They plan to dance every Saturday night.

Dari rumus infinitive tersebut, kamu bisa membangun bentuk-bentuk tenses lainnya. Misalnya, bentuk present continuous, present perfect, past continuous, past perfect, future continuous, dan future perfect. Dengan memahami rumus infinitive, kamu bisa dengan mudah membuat kalimat dalam berbagai tenses.

Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh kalimat dalam berbagai tenses yang menggunakan rumus infinitive:

Present Continuous

– I am eating breakfast every morning.
– She is singing beautifully.
– They are dancing every Saturday night.

– I am not eating breakfast every morning.
– She is not singing beautifully.
– They are not dancing every Saturday night.

– Are you eating breakfast every morning?
– Is she singing beautifully?
– Are they dancing every Saturday night?

Present Perfect

– I have eaten breakfast every morning.
– She has sung beautifully.
– They have danced every Saturday night.

– I have not eaten breakfast every morning.
– She has not sung beautifully.
– They have not danced every Saturday night.

– Have you eaten breakfast every morning?
– Has she sung beautifully?
– Have they danced every Saturday night?

Past Continuous

– I was eating breakfast every morning.
– She was singing beautifully.
– They were dancing every Saturday night.

– I was not eating breakfast every morning.
– She was not singing beautifully.
– They were not dancing every Saturday night.

– Were you eating breakfast every morning?
– Was she singing beautifully?
– Were they dancing every Saturday night?

Past Perfect

– I had eaten breakfast every morning.
– She had sung beautifully.
– They had danced every Saturday night.

– I had not eaten breakfast every morning.
– She had not sung beautifully.
– They had not danced every Saturday night.

– Had you eaten breakfast every morning?
– Had she sung beautifully?
– Had they danced every Saturday night?

Future Continuous

– I will be eating breakfast every morning.
– She will be singing beautifully.
– They will be dancing every Saturday night.

– I will not be eating breakfast every morning.
– She will not be singing beautifully.
– They will not be dancing every Saturday night.

– Will you be eating breakfast every morning?
– Will she be singing beautifully?
– Will they be dancing every Saturday night?

Future Perfect

– I will have eaten breakfast every morning.
– She will have sung beautifully.
– They will have danced every Saturday night.

– I will not have eaten breakfast every morning.
– She will not have sung beautifully.
– They will not have danced every Saturday night.

– Will you have eaten breakfast every morning?
– Will she have sung beautifully?
– Will they have danced every Saturday night?

Itulah beberapa contoh kalimat dalam berbagai tenses yang menggunakan rumus infinitive. Dengan memahami rumus infinitive, kamu bisa dengan mudah membuat kalimat dalam berbagai tenses tanpa perlu memaksakan diri untuk menghafal banyak aturan tenses.


Rumus infinitive adalah cara mudah untuk menguasai tenses bahasa Inggris. Dengan memahami rumus infinitive, kamu bisa dengan mudah membuat kalimat dalam berbagai tenses tanpa perlu memaksakan diri untuk menghafal banyak aturan tenses. Ingatlah bahwa infinitive terdiri dari bare infinitive dan to-infinitive. Dengan menggabungkan infinitive dengan kata kerja bantu atau kata keterangan waktu, kamu bisa membuat kalimat dalam berbagai tenses. Jangan lupa untuk terus berlatih dan mempraktikkan rumus infinitive dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggrismu. Selamat belajar!

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